As of April 5, 2023, our church is 150 years young! We’ve come a long way since 1873, and the Lord has been so good to us. We have had several events to celebrate. We held a Kickoff Fish Dinner on in the spring. A Music Reunion Service in August, a Missions Service on September 10, and a Homecoming Weekend and Worship Service on September 16-17, 2023. This page contains descriptions of the many ways we celebrated together this year. But first, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review wrote a lovely article on our ongoing life and witness to Greensburg. To the right is a pdf of that article; you can read it here, or download a copy by clicking the button on the lower left of the window!
We're Celebrating Our
The History of First Baptist Church from 1873 to 1998
The First Baptist Church of Greensburg was the direct outgrowth of a Bible School begun in 1863 by John Mensch. The formal organization took place on April 5, 1873 in Park's Hall in Ludwig (now the 6th Ward of Greensburg). The building still stands on the left corner at the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and West Otterman west-bound. Most of the charter members came by letter from Big Sewickly Baptist Church, six miles South of Greensburg. John Mensch was elected the first Church Clerk. It is interesting to note that David S. Turney, a life-long member of this church until his death in 1999, was the great-grandson of John Mensch and the grandson of William F. Weaver, one of the founders of this church. In the 1870's, there was a body of water at the bottom of West Otterman Street where Gayville now stands called Zeller's Pond. In 1873, our first pastor, Brother R. C. Morgan (1873-1874), officiated at the baptism of fourteen candidates in Zeller's Pond. It was the first Apostolic baptismal service Greensburg had ever witnessed. It made a lasting impression on an outdoor congregation of 1500 people. Dr. Morgan wrote to the historical committee of our church in 1923 from his home in Glendale, California.
The First Baptist Church of Greensburg was the direct outgrowth of a Bible School begun in 1863 by John Mensch. The formal organization took place on April 5, 1873 in Park's Hall in Ludwig (now the 6th Ward of Greensburg). The building still stands on the left corner at the intersection of Hamilton Avenue and West Otterman west-bound. Most of the charter members came by letter from Big Sewickly Baptist Church, six miles South of Greensburg. John Mensch was elected the first Church Clerk. It is interesting to note that David S. Turney, a life-long member of this church until his death in 1999, was the great-grandson of John Mensch and the grandson of William F. Weaver, one of the founders of this church. In the 1870's, there was a body of water at the bottom of West Otterman Street where Gayville now stands called Zeller's Pond. In 1873, our first pastor, Brother R. C. Morgan (1873-1874), officiated at the baptism of fourteen candidates in Zeller's Pond. It was the first Apostolic baptismal service Greensburg had ever witnessed. It made a lasting impression on an outdoor congregation of 1500 people. Dr. Morgan wrote to the historical committee of our church in 1923 from his home in Glendale, California.
He reminisced about his meetings held in Ludwig. He remembered, "the late Frank Cowan at the meeting with his picture camera and publishing the pictures in 'Frank Cowan's Illustrated Paper '." He also wrote, "On Sunday, after my morning sermon in Irwin, I rode on horseback through storm and sunshine, heat and cold, for the afternoon service in Ludwick then back to Irwin for the evening service. Thank God I had a constitution like New England granite, often drenched to the skin through all the service, but nothing daunted or phased me in my zeal for the Master..." In our attempt to relate the past to the present, we note the fact that the first baby enrolled in the Cradle Roll Department of our Bible School was Henrietta Simpson. (foot note: It is ironic that Miss Henrietta Simpson was called home the day this piece was written (March 19 , 1998)
Henrietta was ninety-five years old. She was baptized in 1916. She served in many capacities and as secretary of the Board of Trustees as recent as 1973.) Dr. Andrew Jackson Meek, our third pastor, came at a transition time in the life of our church. The church members had worshiped for seventeen years in a frame building converted from a produce warehouse just a short distance from where the first organizational meetings were held. With time, Ludwig ceased to be the center of Greensburg's growing population. In response, the church bought a property on Vannear Avenue, and then traded it for the site at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and Third Street. By then, services were being held in the Y.M.C.A. hall in the Kuhns Building. (Later to be known as the Troutman Building). Worship continued there during the construction of the new church building on Pennsylvania Avenue. Finally, the new church building was dedicated on June 7, 1896.
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Click the button below to view the complete history of First Baptist Church of Greensburg.